
Tell us what spaces and places are important to you


Tell us what spaces and places are important to you

Below, you will see a map of the borough. We want to understand where in Haringey you go to access the things which support your quality of life. That could be anything from healthcare, to education, to play facilities for children, or a local faith group. It could include your local pub, or a social club where you meet up with friends. It could include public services, or private businesses, or even things run informally by local people. It could even include local green space. We want to understand which places and spaces are most important to our residents and why. Telling us about them will help us to do that.

When you click 'Have your say' below, it will open the map for you. You will be able to place a 'pin' on the map, to show where you are talking about. On the right hand side of the page there are a number of questions you can answer to provide more information about the place, what activities happen there, and why they are important to you.

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